Wednesday, September 8, 2004


A very short note then I am off to a very short sleep.

    Tomorrow, today, actually, is "doctor appointment" day in Mesa, as well as "meet with the representative of the buyers of our Mesa house" day and "have dinner with beloved friends" evening. I just finished all the stats I need to turn into Mom's PCP. I'm not too worried about the lack of sleep under which I am sure to be operating, tomorrow, as I am very excited about all three events. It is also "No Excuses" day and we need to leave here no later than 0800, so I'll just do it.
    Aside from informing those of you who are interested in what is going on tomorrow, I also wanted to mention: No stats or movement session entry today on either of those sites. Although all stats were taken (well, except lunch stats) and she had an exercise session, I didn't have the time to enter those. Didn't have time to enter the urinalysis, either. I'll catch up Thursday.
    I'm almost too excited to sleep but I'd better try.
    Later, in a day or so.

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