Tuesday, August 24, 2004


I haven't got a lot of time to post, at the moment...

...even though, for Mom, it's been a day of recuperation from two surprisingly (to both her and me) active days. Regardless of how much activity she puts in, rarely does the level of my caregiving reduce in intensity. I expect to be posting more later. For the moment, so that I don't forget, I want to mention that I launched into an extemporaneous essay about nutrition, medication and caregiving over at Mom's Daily Tests and Meds during my posting of today's lunch stats. The URL will take you directly to these observations and thoughts.
    She's napping now, due to be awakened at 1700. It's been a good day, although slow for her. We'll be doing her upper body exercises later, once she's had some time to come around and I've set her hair. Maybe we'll put in a little practice on the walker in the hall. She's having a hard time grasping the concept of walking close to the walker and letting her momentum push it. Then again, maybe we'll just chill for the rest of the evening. Just depends on how she feels when she awakens.
    Expect more later once Mom retires, which is about the only time I've found, recently, to muse and write without interruption. No complaints, though. I am thrilled with her progress and looking forward to many, many more active, involved days with her.

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