Saturday, March 27, 2004


I'm going to indulge in some selfish nurturing, today.

    It would, admittedly, do my mother good to get up, get bathed, fed and dressed and go to Costco with me on the now urgently needed supply run. We're down to one pair of paper underwear. But, I need to dash, today, and I awoke with the energy to dash early, so I'm going alone. I knew this last night. I prepared Mom for this by telling her that it would be "necessary" for her to sleep in today. Telling her things just before she goes to bed usually works. If I'm unsure about the technique's effectiveness on a particular night, I tell her aloud that I am talking to her subconscious and unconscious mind/s. I told her I would tell her when I am leaving and I will. I expect to be gone just over an hour and that's being generous. I don't expect a crowd at 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday. Normally she isn't up this early anyway, nor as early as I'll be back. I'm also letting her sleep in because of the dramatic nature of her PT, yesterday.
    Time to collect myself and go. Later.

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