Thursday, March 18, 2004


Another successful visit...

...has ended. Mom was tired through this one but remained game, literally. Yesterday evening when we were all pretty noddy MPNC introduced us to Taboo. When she explained it not only did I think I'd have a difficult time with it, I thought Mom would but I'll try anything and I encourage Mom to do the same (she doesn't usually need the encouragement, anyway). As it turned out when she was concentrating just a little, she was "in" the game and did well, both as the cluer and the guesser. Her concentration wandered a lot but so did the rest of ours'.
    Considering her level of registered wash out, she didn't sleep that much and only barely resisted getting out of bed this morning. She remembered we had visitors but couldn't hear them prowling so assumed they were still in bed. I rounded them up to wish her good morning and that did the trick. Mostly.
    It seemed to me yesterday that she was a bit pale so I looked for excuses to feed her iron. This morning her lips were ringed in blue so she's getting plenty. In the bathroom light this morning she looked pale. Earlier this afternoon as we were watching High Noon (the first time either of us have seen this movie) in obtuse, reflected sunlight she looked in peachy good health.
    She viewed her new rose stubs this morning. We planted the "bright red" one in her line of vision as she looks through the dinette modified cathedral window. It will get full sun all day. The cream-to-orange Hybrid Tea is a bit out of her line of vision. Before rose planting season is over we'll have roses spotted throughout the property. In 7-8 weeks with good weather (which we're having) and good care they'll be blooming.
    Yesterday afternoon MPS and I stumbled up toward the back of the property to have some "sister time", which is understood to be time exclusive of kids. While we were stretching out on the rocks in the sun MPS mentioned that she felt I should remain here in this house, in this town, after Mom dies. I tend to agree with her now, to my surprise. I am enormously contented and satisfied doing what I'm doing and doing it here. I like the fact that our family considers this a pivot point in their lives. As well, this property, for me, will always be blessed by my mother's presence. Even the aura of her occasional uneasiness here is charged with the vigor of this property and her spirit. There are few other places I can think of that offer these advantages.
    Well, I've got some after-visit breakdown and buildout to do. Later.

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